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Palestinian Triplets Named In Anti-Trump Jerusalem Protest

Nidal and Islam al-Saiqli from Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip decided to name the three children Jerusalem, Capital and Palestine.
The three babies were born in December, two weeks after the Donald Trump decision.

KHAN YUNIS, PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES:  Palestinians have reacted to Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital with street protests, but one couple have come up with an idea of their own, in the naming of their triplets.

Nidal and Islam al-Saiqli from Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip decided to name the three children Jerusalem, Capital and Palestine.

Palestinians also see the disputed city as their capital and Trump's December 6 recognition broke with decades of international policy that the issue should be resolved through negotiations.

The three babies -- boys Jerusalem and Palestine, and girl Capital -- were born in December, two weeks after the Trump decision.

"Thank God, I had triplets so we were able to name them in response to Trump's decision," said mother Islam, 25.

"There is no value to the Trump decision. Jerusalem is our eternal capital," her husband Nidal, 30, said

To illustrate the names, the couple arrange the three tiny sleeping children on a bed with their birth certificates on their stomachs.

Trump insisted his decision did not pre-judge future negotiations, but the Palestinians cut ties with his administration in anger at the move.

Widespread street protests have broken out in the West Bank and Gaza.

Israel seized Jerusalem in the 1967 Six-Day War and later annexed it, in moves never recognised by the international community.

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